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Cord Blood Stem Cell Banking and Transplantation

Cord Blood Stem Cell Banking and Transplantation
  • Author Details: Brigadier (Dr.) Paramjit Singh Dhot, Dr. Mayurika S Tyagi
  • ISBN: 978-93-91208-36-3
  • Speciality: Haematology

E-book Individual Original Price: INR: 2995 USD: 140
E-book Individual Offer Price: INR: 1797 (40% discount) USD: 84 (40% discount)
About Book

The book traces the history of cord blood stem cells.

The first cord blood transplant on a six years old boy, Mathew Farrow a case of Fanconis anaemia done in St. Louis Hospital, Paris by Dr. Eliana Gluckmann.

The donor the boy’s sister.

Collection, processing, enumeration and cryopreservation are described in a simple to understand lucid method.

Public and family cord blood banks with total number of cord blood units stored are described.

Cord blood transplantation in cerebral palsy and other neurological disorders are elucidated.

Cord blood transplantation in haematologic malignancies eye, joint, immune disorders are discussed.

Equipment required and licencing of cord blood banks is highlighted.

Automation for cord blood retrieval using Bioarchive system is elucidated.

A must for haematologists, physicians, pathologist, stem cell and regenerative medicine experts.

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