Pharmaceutics – Practicals (As Per PCI Regulations)
Author Details: Mr. Dhaneshwar Kumar Vishwakarma, Dr. Navneet Verma, Mr. Ashok Kumar
ISBN: 978-93-91208-50-9
Speciality: Pharmaceutics
E-book Individual Original Price:
INR: 425
USD: 25
E-book Individual Offer Price:
INR: 255 (40% discount)
USD: 15 (40% discount)
About Book
The book has been designed for pharmacy students as per the new syllabus prescribed by the Pharmacy Council of India (PCI). This book contains essential information that students gathered knowledge for the formulation of various dosage forms and prepare for competitive as well as semester examinations. Its primary objective is to provide knowledge about various formulation aspects which helpful for formulating a dosage form. This textbook has been written in easy language to ensure a lower reading level and more understandable content than ever. This book covers all major pharmaceutics dosage form formulations prescribed in pharmaceutics practical B. Pharma first year.
This book contains many chapters, each providing a description of various dosage forms formulation and their evaluation like syrup, suspension, emulsion, cream, ointment, lotion, lineaments, dusting powder, effervescent powder, and cosmetic preparation.