Handbook on Evidence Based Education System (Module-Wise Approach)
Author Details: Dr. Nirali Chauhan, Dr. Dipika Baria
ISBN: 978-93-91208-52-3
Speciality: Medical Education
E-book Individual Original Price:
INR: 750
USD: 35
E-book Individual Offer Price:
INR: 450 (40% discount)
USD: 21 (40% discount)
About Book
Practice of EBM is lifelong self directed learning mainly for care of patients and to practice EBM it should be incorporated in teaching & learning process from under graduate level by evidence based education system (EBES). The main aim of the book is to train undergraduate students by EBES so in future they can practice EBM. The book is having four modules for each phase of MBBS and is about the concept & introduction of EBM, steps of EBM including formation of proper answerable question in form of PICO, searching evidences for same, critical appraisal & application of that evidences along with it various epidemiological studies & application of biostatistics test, level of evidence and EBES projects for each phase of MBBS students.