Author Details: Dr. Dikshita Das, Dr. Mohammad Aamir, Dr. Mona Sharma
ISBN: 978-93-91208-93-6
Speciality: Ergonomics
E-book Individual Original Price:
INR: 400
USD: 20
E-book Individual Offer Price:
INR: 240
USD: 12
About Book
The science of matching the work environment with human capacities is known as ergonomics. The purpose is to enable individuals to do their jobs and other activities in a safe and efficient manner. Applying ergonomics to dental practice may not only enhance safety, but it may also improve performance objectives through increased productivity. Ergonomics and a healthy environment enable dental surgeons to improve their performance without jeopardising their own health. One of the primary aims of ergonomics in dentistry is to reduce the amount of physical and mental stress that might occur on a daily basis in a dental office.