Author Details: Rehan Uddin, Dr. Jitendra Singh Rajawat, Dr. Uma Shankar Sharma
ISBN: 978-93-88022-47-7
Speciality: Pharmaceutical Engineering
E-book Individual Original Price:
INR: 300
USD: 20
E-book Individual Offer Price:
INR: 180 (40% discount)
USD: 12 (40% discount)
About Book
This is a text book of Pharmaceutical Engineering. This book is made according to the new syllabus of Pharmacy Council of India for B.Pharmacy, 2nd year, 3rd semester students. This book contains 11 chapters. The chapters are; Flow of Fluids, Size Reduction, Size Separation, Heat Transfer, Evaporation, Distillation, Drying, Mixing, Filtration, Centrifugation and Materials of Pharmaceutical Plant Construction, Corrosion and its Prevention. This book contains simple methodology and language. This book will be useful for the students as well as for the teachers. This book contains diagrams that make the students learn the concept easily. Pharmaceutical Engineering is a broad term. It deals with the study of industrial technologies, methods, instruments, and concept of Pharmaceutics. The advanced field of Pharmaceutical Engineering is Industrial Pharmacy. There is a need for a concise and systematic approach to the subject “Pharmaceutical Engineering’’. This Pharmaceutical Engineering book contains unit operations and engineering drawings.